Dudu Rashty +972-2-584848 <RASHTY@vms.huji.ac.il>
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 93 21:12 +0200
Message-id: <08070093211236@VMS.HUJI.AC.IL>
From: Dudu Rashty +972-2-584848 <RASHTY@vms.huji.ac.il>
To: WWW-TALK@nxoc01.cern.ch
Subject: WWWLIB for VMS
Status: RO
I have great troubles in Installing the WWWLIB Version 2.09 and also the
WWWDaemon_2.07 on A VMS machine.
The daemon always return error code 500 - Unable to access document.
The client also does not manage to access document.
Did anyone had any luck in installing the latest WWWLIB on VMS machine or has a
clue of the source of this problems.
I think that for some reason the URL is not translated to VMS format but I
couldn't find the solution.
: **** Thanks !! **** :
: Dudu Rashty Rashty@Vms.Huji.Ac.Il __o o__ :
: Computation Center Bitnet:Rashty@HUJIVMS _ \<,_ _.>/ _ :
: The Hebrew University Phone: +972-2-584397 (_)/ (_) (_) \(_) :
: Jerusalem 91904, ISRAEL. Fax: +972-2-527349 D u d u :