Question: volume generated by WWW vs. Gopher

Gabriela Segarra <SNGABY%LSUVM.BITNET@cearn.bitnet>
Message-id: <>
Date:         Tue, 19 Oct 93 15:30:52 CDT
From: Gabriela Segarra <SNGABY%LSUVM.BITNET@cearn.bitnet>
Subject:      Question: volume generated by WWW vs. Gopher
To the WWW people,
I have a question about the volume of messages generated by the WWW.
Our University has been running a gopher server for some time and we
have now a brand new WWW server. The people running the gopher server
are reluctant to this new initiative and are asking me wether the WWW
transactions will increase the traffic on our almost saturated network.
So, I was wondering if somebody has any numbers to help me defend the
WWW, possibly comparing the amount of data transferred in a transaction
by gopher and the WWW. I think it should not make any difference, but
still ...
I would appreciate any information or pointer to the proper place.

:  Gabriela Segarra, M.Sc.         : e-mail:                           :
:  Information Technology Support  :         SNGABY@LSUVM.bitnet       :
:  Louisiana State University      :   or    SNGABY@LSUVM.SNCC.LSU.EDU :