EARN paper

marca@ncsa.uiuc.edu (Marc Andreessen)
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 93 14:30:21 -0700
From: marca@ncsa.uiuc.edu (Marc Andreessen)
Message-id: <9310252130.AA23783@wintermute.ncsa.uiuc.edu>
To: mcclanah@dlgeo.cr.usgs.gov
Cc: www-talk@nxoc01.cern.ch
Subject: EARN paper
In-reply-to: <9310251145.AA19147@dlgeo.cr.usgs.gov>
References: <9310251145.AA19147@dlgeo.cr.usgs.gov>
mcclanah@dlgeo.cr.usgs.gov writes:
> I have been trying to get to the EARN guide at vms.huji.ac.il
> through Oreilly's GNN but I get:
> <BODY><H1>Error 501</H1>
>   Sorry, can't convert from application/postscript to www/present.</BODY>
> when I click on the 'select' button. Then when I try to download
> each chapter seperately I get to the "Getting Files - TRICKLE"
> chapter I get an error saying that the resource doesn't 
> exist or that the server is unwilling to serve it up.
> Anyone have any ideas??

Depends what browser you're using -- if you're using Mosaic 2.0
prerelease 6, you should be getting a popup dialog to name a local
filename (unless you have defined a viewer for application/postscript
or are using the default settings).

May I suggest that other browsers default to "save to local disk" on
unrecognized MIME types rather than just giving up?
