
decoux@moulon.inra.fr (ts)
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 07:20:31 +0100
From: decoux@moulon.inra.fr (ts)
Message-id: <9311170620.AA29392@moulon.moulon.inra.fr>
To: www-talk@nxoc01.cern.ch
Subject: WWW-Oracle


 I've make a few modification to WWW-oracle :

  * I've adopted Sanders's modification for "rowid" and "lock"

  * add tag "<TEXTAREA>" for Oracle datatype "LONG CHAR". Don't forget you
can only have one column with this datatype in a table.

  * You must confirm a "DELETE"

  * server display comments associated with a table or a column

 Example :

moulon% sqlplus
moulon% SQL> COMMENT ON TABLE PROJETS IS '<img src="/moon.xbm"><p>';
moulon% SQL> COMMENT ON COLUMN PROJETS.PROJET IS 'Please,if you have a nice
moon, <a href="http:/ts.html">send me it</a><p>'; 
moulon% SQL> EXIT

 Problem : length <= 255 (Oracle restriction)

  * I've a problem with "release_lock" : when a user put a lock, I send it
in a document. To release a lock, the user must give the good lock. If he
lost his lock, he can't release it.

 I use this special convention :

   - If a user has "CHECKIN" and "CHECKOUT" : he can put a lock and release
only his own lock.

   - If a user has all privileges "GET ... CHECKOUT" : he can release any

 Please, send me any suggestions or comments before I try to debug it.


Guy Decoux