Re: proposal for new HTTP/1.0 directive (Marc Andreessen)
Date: Sun, 5 Dec 93 02:00:55 -0800
From: (Marc Andreessen)
Message-id: <>
Subject: Re: proposal for new HTTP/1.0 directive
In-reply-to: <>
References: <>
Rob McCool writes:
> /*
>  * proposal for new HTTP/1.0 directive  by Marc Andreessen (
>  *    written on Nov 27,  2:28pm.
>  *
>  * It occasionally is useful to have the results of a HTTP/1.0
>  * transaction return *nothing* (no significant response data) -- the
>  * client should not display a new document or do anything else other
>  * than stay on exactly the same document it's already on.
>  * 
>  * An example of where this would be useful: tape-deck-style
>  * fast-forward/stop/reverse/play/pause/etc. controls implemented with
>  * forms or hyperlinks as part of a multicasting transmission
>  * application.  You want to be able to trigger as many actions as you
>  * want (play, pause, play, fast-forward, play, etc.) without moving to a
>  * different document each time.
>  * 
>  * How about "204 NoResponse"?
>  */
> I second the motion. I've gotten several people asking for a way to do that
> exact thing from scripts.

Having received no other comments, I'm going to code it for Mosaic
2.1.  Tim, can you add it to the spec?
