Re: International Document Server Support (Ari Luotonen)
From: (Ari Luotonen)
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 93 20:50:02 +0100
Message-id: <>
Subject: Re: International Document Server Support

> > Well, you wouldn't use "language/english" but pretty close.  What you
> > do is pass this information along with the Accept: headers, e.g.:
> >     Accept: plain/text,language="ISO3316",charset="..."
> > Of course, the server must be configured to do something useful with
> > this information (which nobody does yet), but your server could.
> > Also, you'll need the user's client to be able to configure this information.
> > 
> > Some more information in this general area:
> >
> > 
> > --sanders
> On the subject, check out

There is also an Accept-Language header line in HTTP2 spec:

	Similar to Accept, but lists the Language values which are preferable
	in the response. A response in an unspecifies language is not illegal.
	See also: Language.
	Language coding TBS. (ISO standard xxxx) 

Content-Language: code
	The language code is the ISO code for the language in which
	the document is written. If the language is not known, this
	field should be omitted of course . 
	The language code is an ISO 3316 language code with an
	optional ISO639 country code to specify a national variant. 
                 Language: en_UK
	means that the content of the message is in British English,
                  Language: en
	means that the language is English in one of its forms.
	(@@ If a document is in more than one language, for
	example requires both Greek Latin and French to be
	understood, should this be representable?)
	See also: Accept-Language.

-- Cheers, Ari --