Inline Images under A/UX won't display.
Date: Thu, 06 Jan 94 18:52:45 EDT
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Subject: Inline Images under A/UX won't display.
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     Problem:  I used to run Mac http server and moved my html's and gif's 
     over to NCSA http server running under A/UX.  Well, now, the image 
     transfers, but refuses to show up on the screen.  I ftp'd a gif from a 
     live server that I know the gif works on, and that gif will not show 
     up when referenced from my server.  When I, lview 3.1 reports back: 
     Invalid or unsupported Targa file.  The file is clearly named navy.gif 
     and opens locally with lview 3.1.  What's happening?
     Images will not display inline from Xmosaic, MacMosaic, or WinMosaic.
     I know the pictures are not corrupt gif's because they open locally 
     under Mac & PC as gif's.  I'm clueless.