Monica Cucoanes <>
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 1994 23:52:02 --100
Message-id: <01H8G86J31PC0001SR@CEPES.RO>
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From: Monica Cucoanes <>
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0c -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
Content-Length: 25572
February 3, 1994
CEPES plans to set up a data base for women's activities in Europe (EWA).
The first step will be a feasibility study. For the moment we will concentrate
on collecting information concerning legislation issues relevant for women
(relevant changes, daily practises).
When answering to our questionnaire please don't forget *it is a draft*, so any
comments for improving it are welcomed.
Please also keep us inform about individual experts/national organizations
dealing with this matter.
Thanks for help,
Laura Grunberg ( or Monica Cucoanes (
I. General Information
Country ............ City..........
Please indicate persons/institutions (other than you/
your institution) dealing with women and legislation
1.1 Name of Institution ..................................
Type: __ (NA National, ST State, PV Private, NG Non governmental)
Postal Code............ Tel...........Telex................
1.2 Name of contact person
Name...................First Name....................
Department/Sector Organization Name..................
Address:(If other than the address of the Parent inst.
listed before)
P.O.Box............ Street...........................
City............... State/Province...................
Postal Code........ Tel ........... Telex ...........
Fax.................Cable.......... E-mail ..........
If more, please add them.
II. Main laws/decrees focussed on Women Legal Issues
2.1.1 General Data
Name of Law ............................
Year of last update ....
Are there any translations available ? __ (Y/N)
if yes please indicate language .........
if possible send a copy
How do you appreciate the content of the legislation in force
focussed on women problems__
(very good VG, good GO, Satisfactory SA,
non--satisfactory NS)
How do you appreciate the application in practice of
the Law/decree__
(very good VG, good GO, Satisfactory SA,
non--satisfactory NS)
2.1.2 Specific Data
Guarantee of nondiscrimination on the basis of sex __ (Y/N)
If Yes Decree No ...... / Year : ....
If No Modifications foreseen for the future? __ (Y/N)
Equal opportunities for women __ (Y/N)
If Yes Decree No ...... / Year : ....
If No Modifications foreseen for the future? __ (Y/N)
Right to vote __ (Y/N)
If Yes Decree No ....... / Year : ...
If No Modifications foreseen for the future? __ (Y/N)
Provisions concerning citizenship(relevant for women)
__ (Y/N)
If Yes Decree No ...... / Year : ...
If No Modifications foreseen for the future? __ (Y/N)
Comments: ................................................
2.2 FAMILY Law (FAM)
2.2.1 General Data
Name of Law ...........................
Year of last update .....
Are there any translations available ? __ (Y/N)
if yes please indicate language .........
if possible send a copy
How do you appreciate the content of the legislation in force
focussed on women problems? __
(very good VG, good GO, Satisfactory SA,
non--satisfactory NS)
How do you appreciate the application in practice of
the Law/decree__
(very good VG, good GO, Satisfactory SA,
non--satisfactory NS)
2.2.2 Specific Data MARRIAGE
/ Age (minimum) for women ... for men ...
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
Modifications foreseen for the future? __ (Y/N)
/ Parents or others's approval .................
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
Modifications foreseen for the future? __ (Y/N)
/ Obligation of changing the name ..............
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
Modifications foreseen for the future? __ (Y/N)
/ Property issues linked with the marriage
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
Modifications foreseen for the future-- (Y/N)
/ Parental authority.............................
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
Modifications foreseen for the future-- (Y/N)
Others ..........................................
/ Do you appreciate that the marriage provisions in force
protect the woman __(Y/N)
Comments .......................................
....................................... DIVORCE
Legal conditions for divorce:
/ Main reasons accepted :
* condition 1 .................................
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
* condition 2 .................................
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
/ Limits of time: Decree No ..... / Year:....
* Single couple (Time Min/Max months )
* Couple with children (Time Min/Max months)
/ Modifications foreseen for the future __ (Y/N)
/ Taxes .........................................
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
Modifications foreseen for the future--(Y/N)
Legal conditions after divorce
/ Parental rights concerning child entrust
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
/ Alimony for wife/for children .................
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
/ Wife name .....................................
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
/ Property issues ...............................
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
/ Others ........................................
. .............................................
/ Modifications foreseen for the future __ (Y/N)
If yes, briefly mention them .................
Do you appreciate that the divorce provisions in force
protect the woman (Y/N) ..... the mother (Y/N).......
Comments .........................................
......................................... CONCUBINAGE
/ Regulated by law __ (Y/N)
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
/ Illegal __ (Y/N)
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
Sanctions : ...............................
/ Ignored by law __ (Y/N)
/ Modifications foreseen for the future __ (Y/N)
Comments .....................................
2.3 Labor Law LAB
2.3.1 General Data
Name of Law........................... Code of the law XXX
Date of last update (Year) ....
Are there any translations available ? __ (Y/N)
if yes please indicate language .........
if possible send a copy
How do you appreciate the content of the legislation in force
focussed on women problems?__
(very good VG, good GO, Satisfactory SA,
non--satisfactory NS)
How do you appreciate the application in practice of
the Law/decree __
(very good VG, good GO, Satisfactory SA,
non--satisfactory NS)
2.3.2 Specific Data
/ Employment Conditions (specific for women)
Is there any special legislation concerning mothers'
maternal leave ? __ (Y/N)
If yes:
- total possible length while keeping employment (with or
without salary) ...........................................
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
- legal possibility to take care of sick children ...........
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
- others ............................................
Is there any legislation concerning fathers ? __ (Y/N)
If yes briefly mention the main points ..............
Modifications foreseen for the future __ (Y/N)
Are there any positive discriminatory conditions for women in
this area ? __ (Y/N)
- if yes briefly mention the regulations that could be included
in this area
/ for mothers ...................................
Decree ...... / Year : ....
/ for pregnant women ............................
Decree ...... / Year : ....
Modifications foreseen for the future __ (Y/N)
Comments ............................................
Are there any negative discriminatory conditions for women in
general? __(Y/N)
If Yes briefly mention them:
- differences in minimum age for employment __ (Y/N)
if yes minimum age for women .... men ...
Decree No ..... /Year.....
Any modifications foreseen for the future __ (Y/N)
- differences in salary __ (Y/N)
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
Any modifications foreseen for the future __ (Y/N)
- Others .....................................
Comments ...........................................
Are there any negative discriminatory conditions
for pregnant women? __ (Y/N)
If Yes: Briefly mention them .....................
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
Any modifications foreseen for the future __ (Y/N)
Comments: ........................................
Are there any negative discriminatory conditions
for mothers ? __ (Y/N)
If Yes: Briefly mention them (for example the interdiction
of night jobs, extra jobs) ..........................
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
Any modifications foreseen for the future __ (Y/N)
Comments: ....................................
Are there any written documents,statistics proving a
discrimination in practice __ (Y/N)
- if yes are there any translation available __ (Y/N)
- if yes please send a copy
/ Unemployment conditions
Are there any specific laws to protect:
* Women __ (Y/N)
If Yes mention them: ...........................
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
* Pregnant women __ (Y/N)
If yes mention them: .........................
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
* Mothers __ (Y/N)
If Yes mention them : ..........................
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
Any modifications foreseen for the future __ (Y/N)
Comments ......................................
/ Retirement
Are there any discriminatory
provisions regarding women? __ (Y/N)
- if Yes briefly mention them and specify if you consider it
as a negative (ND) or a positive discrimination (PD)
Age Decree No ...... / Year : ....
ND/PD .........................................
Pension limits Decree No ...... / Year : ....
ND/PD .........................................
Others ...........................................
Any modifications foreseen for the future __ (Y/N)
Comments ........................................
2.4.1 General Data
Name of Law ........................... Code of the law XXX
Year of last update ....
Are there any translations available ? __ (Y/N)
if yes please indicate language .........
if possible please send a copy
How do you appreciate the content of the legislation in force
focussed on women problems? __
(very good VG, good GO, Satisfactory SA, non--satisfactory NS)
How do you appreciate the application in practice of
the Law/decree __
(very good VG, good GO, Satisfactory SA, non--satisfactory NS)
2.4.2 Specific Data
/ Pornography
Is it a legislation concerning pornography __(Y/N)
If Yes :
* Decree No ...... / Year : .....
* What is legally defined as pornography ........
* What are the dominant social connotations .....
* Has the attitude changed since 1990? __ (Y/N)
Comments (e.g relation pornography-right to expression)
* What are the aspects of pornography that are
forbitten? .................................
* Sanctions for each ..........................
conf. Decree No ...... / Year : ....
Modifications foreseen for the future __(Y/N)
/ Prostitution
Is it legally defined __(Y/N)
If Yes :
* Decree No ...... / Year : ....
* What is legally defined as prostitution .......
* What are the dominant social connotations ......
* Has the attitude changed since 1990? __ (Y/N)
Comments ..........................................
* Specific items:
y Brothels: Legal __ (Y/N)
If Yes :
legal conditions <.....>, <.....>, etc.
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
Comments .......................................
legal punishments <.........>, <.........>, etc.
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
Comments .......................................
y Traffic of women Legal __ (Y/N)
If Yes :
legal conditions <.....>, <......>, etc.
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
Comments ......................................
legal punishments <........>, <.........>, etc.
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
Comments .....................................
y Others .....................................
* Modifications foreseen for the future __ (Y/N)
If yes briefly describe them ..................
Comments ......................................
/ Abortion
Legal __ (Y/N)
since when (year) ... under Conditions: <......>, <......>,
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
If illegal mention the punishments: <......>, <......>, etc
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
Comments ..........................................
Family planning : legal framework __ (Y/N
Modifications foreseen for the future __ (Y/N)
If yes, briefly describe them : .................
Is it available for minors __(Y/N)
/ Rape and other violence against women
* Do you consider that the legislation tolerates too much
violence in general ? __ (Y/N)
against women? __ (Y/N)
* Do you appreciate that the code of procedures or the
criminal code treats rape in a discriminatory
manner for women? __ (Y/N)
If Yes comments ................................
Legal sanctions for:
- Rape ........................................
Decree No ...... / Year: ....
- Physical aggressions (e.g. wife battering)
Decree No ...... / YEar : ....
- Sexual harassment ...........................
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
- Incest .....................................
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
- Others .....................................
Modifications foreseen for the future?__(Y/N)
If Yes, briefly mention them .................
Comments ....................................
/ Lesbianism
Is it legal __ (Y/N) since when .... under Conditions:
<........>, <........>, Etc
Decree No ...... / Year : ...
If Illegal mention punishments: <.......>, <.......>, etc
Decree No ...... / Year : ...
Comments ......................................
Are any modifications foreseen for the future__ (Y/N)
If yes, briefly mention them ....................
/ Women in Jail
Are there any special legal provisions for women?
__ (Y/N)
if Yes mention them: <........>, <.........>, Etc
Decree No ...... / Year : ....
Are there any modifications foreseen for the future?
__ (Y/N)
If yes briefly mention them ......................
Any other comments .......................................
III. Form completed by:
Name...................First Name.....................
Organization Name.....................................
Postal Code............ Tel...........Telex...........
Date.................. XX XX XXXX (Day, Month & Year)