WAIS -> WWW Gateway and Titles

David Bianco <bianco@giant.larc.nasa.gov>
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Date: Mon, 28 Feb 1994 14:15:59 --100
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From: David Bianco <bianco@giant.larc.nasa.gov>
To: Multiple recipients of list <www-talk@www0.cern.ch>
Subject: WAIS -> WWW Gateway and Titles
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Mark Krause writes:
 > Has anyone developed a WAIS to WWW gateway that will present a
 > user-friendly title (i.e. the text between <TITLE> and </TITLE>)
 > instead of the sometimes cryptic URL that is currently presented
 > to the user?
 > -- 
 > Mark A. Krause                  mkrause@mitre.org
 > The MITRE Corporation           Mail Stop W273
 > 7525 Colshire Drive             (703)883-7642 (Voice)
 > McLean, VA 22102                (703)883-6809 (Fax)

Hmm... no gateway, but I do have a version of freeWAIS which
recognizes the HTML type and picks the <TITLE></TITLE> pair out
exactly as you suggest.  I've got patches to freeWAIS-0.202 if anyone
wants 'em...
