General Description
Librarians can add a book copy (or multiple copies) by entering into the Add Book Copy form from the Book Administration menu. This screen is where a librarian enters the information about a book copy that will be added to the library inventory. Multiple book copies can be added at once each with the same copy information and a unique call number will be assigned to each. |
Screen Description
ISBN Number | Enter the ISBN number of the book copy you want to add (required). |
Copies | Sets the number of book copies that will be added at once (required ). |
Location | Sets the location of the book copies that are to be added (required). |
Floor | Sets the floor where the book copies will be located at the Location (required). |
Circulation Status | Sets if the book copies will be initially available or not (required). |
Book Information | Displays the Book Information about the book copy that is being added. This includes the book's title, author, publisher, among others. |
Modify Button | Changes the Book Information on the book copy or copies that are being added. |
Add Button | Creates new book information if the ISBN number of the book copy or copies being added is not already in the library system. |
New Location Button | Defines a new location where book copies could be located. |
New Circulation Status Button | Defines a new circulation status a book copy could be under. |
OK Button | Adds the book copy or copies specified to the library. |
Cancel Button | Cancels the operation of adding book copies to the library. |
Help Button | Gets help on using the Add Book Copy screen of the book management system. |
Book Copies | Shows the first and last call number allocated to the book copies that were defined in the Add Book Copy screen. |
OK Button | Exits this screen and returns to the Book Administration Menu. |
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