Returning A Book


This command allows the Librarian to Return a Book to the Library.

How To Use This Function
  1. In the Main Menu, press the "Transactions" button to enter the Transactions Menu and then press the "Return" Menu button.
  2. In the Returning a Book window, you must enter data into "Call Number" box.
  3. Press "OK" to return the book(s) or press "Cancel" to quit this process.
  4. If you press "OK", a table showing the result (success or failure) for each book will appear.
  5. Pressing the "OK" button once again will return you to the Transaction Administration menu.
     A customer wants to return a book with a Call Number of "35". The Librarian would press the "Transactions" button to enter the Transactions Menu. Then they would go into to the Return a Book window by pressing the "Return" button. The Librarian would then type the "Call Number" of "35" into the Call Number field. Once this information has been entered, the Librarian would press the "OK" button to return the Customer's Book to the Library. Pressing "OK" again would conclude the process and exit to the Transactions Menu.

Error Recognition And Handling
Call Number(s) is/are not of numerical value.
Message: " is not a valid integer value."
Handling: The Librarian is returned to the Transaction Menu.
The given Call Number does not exist.
Message: "Book Copy not found."
Handling: An error message is shown, and the Librarian is returned to the Transaction Menu.
The Book Copy with the given Call Number is not loaned out to that Customer.
Message: "Book Copy is not on loan."
Handling: An error message is shown, and after pressing "OK" the Librarian is returned to the Transaction Menu.

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