SquidSoft Inc. - GUIDOs
Final Evaluation - Actual Management vs Conceptual Structure

Because we had little experience in working in a group of this size, we found that it is difficult to follow the original structure as stated in the functional specification and management plan. As each member wants to be involved in every part of the project, work was always partitioned into smaller parts so that everyone can participate in the progress of the project. Also, it was more efficient and manageable when getting all together in a subgroup occasionally to discuss progress of a part of the project. In addition, everyone could focus on one portion of the project, without being familiar with the details of others.

Since everyone is very responsible and productive, we didn't have a designated leader for the whole project; we did have a leader for each subgroup because it would be easier to collect and organized the job done by each subgroup which was then passed to our web master.

Groups were divided according to the specification listed on the CPSC 451 web page. Number of members assigned to each subgroup was determined by the work load of the subgroup. Since the ability of each member is very similar, members assigned to each group was according to their interests.

Here is the actual breakdown for each part of the project:

Process Subgroups Number of Memebers
Functional & Management Title Page & Summary 2
Management Plan 4
User Interaction 8
Overall & Detail Design Documents Title Page & Summary 2
Security & Login 2
Orders 2
Product 1
Personnel 2
Stores & Main Menu & Cashier 2
Inventory 2
Data Dictionary all
User Manual
Preparation for Final Presentation

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