SquidSoft Inc. - GUIDOs
Final Evaluation - Management Plan

The system is able to manage the ordering of inventory between an unspecified number of supermarkets and a single warehouse. The warehouse manager has the ability to track all current inventory in any given store, and the ability to accept purchase orders and in turn generate shipment invoices. The store manager can track current store inventory, and generate automated inventory restocking request and manual order requests. The store manager can also set whether a product can be automatically ordered or require managers approval before ordering the product. Security for the system has been implemented as per specifications. New security levels can be created and assigned any number of operations on the database that is appropriate. These security levels can be assigned to any employee that is appropriate.

The data structures have remained basically the same with just a few column additions requested by Calgary Foods. These additions are:

  1. Entire products table which contains description, category, unit cost, bulk unit, units in as columns. This was needed to keep track of the products carried by Calgary Foods.
  2. The orders table has a new 'completed' column and a 'comment' column.
  3. The inventory table has a new 'comment' column.
  4. The personnel table has a new 'user name' column and the name field has been split into two parts, 'first name' and 'last name'.

For the convenience of Calgary Foods a few default security levels/positions have been implemented.

  • 'Company CEO' who has access to the entire database and its functions, this level cannot be deleted or modified.
  • 'Manager' level giving full access to a specific store's functions.
  • 'Cashier' giving access to a person to operate a cash register.
  • 'Stocker' giving access to order stock.

Another change made to the system is the requirement that any modification of data should provide the user with a warning message before the request is carried out. This would cause to many messages to appear for the user to deal with. Instead a minor modification to the data base will allow the user to proceed and only showing the user the result of the modification. If a users tries to make a modification that violates the integrity of the database a warning message will appear.

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