Stephanie Lewis Harter (djshh@TTACS.TTU.EDU)
Sat, 02 Jan 1999 16:39:50 -0600

I am writing to remind list members that annual memberships to the North American Personal Construct Network are due. The membership package includes a 1999 subscription to the Journal of Constructivist Psychology. Members also receive two newsletters annually. Biennial meetings of the network are on alternate years to the international conferences. The next meeting is planned for the Summer of 2000 in New Platz, New York.
Dues can be paid in either US or Canadian dollars. Regular memberships are $66 US or $100 CDN for persons in North America. Student memberships are $36 US or $55 CDN for students in North America and also include subscriptions to the journal and newsletter. Members from outside North America are also welcome, but there is an added charge to cover overseas postage on journal subscriptions. Regular memberships are $76 US and student memberships are $46 US for persons from outside North America.
Dues payments should be in check or money order payable to NAPCN. They should be mailed to Stephanie Harter, Ph.D., Psychology Department, Box 42051, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409-2051, USA. Please include your name, affiliation, address, and email for the membership database.
Inquiries can also be sent to Stephanie Harter, NAPCN Treasurer, at STEPH@TTU.EDU.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Stephanie Harter
Treasurer, North American Personal Construct Network
