
 A Workshop at the University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta, Canada Dr. H.J.A. Goodman, Moderator Professor Emeritus, University of Calgary
The Workshop will deal with the next level of international information systems, one stage above the Internet and the Web - humanity's global communication system / network - the World Brain / World Mind.
A group of eminent specialists from 5 or possibly 6 countries, together with the Workshop participants, will discuss and make decisions concerning:
- what the World Brain / Mind is;
- why the one which is now partly developed needs to be beneficial, rather than deleterious, for all mankind;
- what needs to be done to forestall the development of an undesirable organism; and
- how groups and individuals could and should help to ensure the former and not the latter.
The Workshop will be comprised of many of the best features of a tutorial, a seminar, a symposium, and a conference / multimedia teleconference setup.
The World Brain / World Mind Workshop is being sponsored by the
Convergence Research Network and is happening in conjunction with the Ed-Media / Ed-Telecom Conference. |
| Introduction | Speakers | Program | Contacts | | Travel / Hotel | Registration |
Attractions | References |