World Brain / World Mind Workshop


Arbib, Michael A.
"Computers and the Cybernetic Society", Academic Press, New York, Chapter 7, Section 3 " A Brain for Planet Earth", pp. 418-435.

Arbib, Michael (1995)
"Brain Models on the Web", in Palaniswami, S., Computational Intelligence: A Dynamic System Perspective, Attikrouzel, Y., Marks, R., and Fukuda, T., (Eds.) IEEE Press, New York, pp. 219-231.

Bush, Vannevar (Jul 1945)
"As we may think", Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 176, No. 1, 101-108, reprinted as pp. 23-35 of Kochen (1967), also a condensed version, with added illustrations, in Life Magazine (10 Sep, 1945) pp. 112-114, 116, 118, 121, 123, 124.

Comenius, John Amos (Komensky)
(1643) Pansophiae Diatiposis (Patterns of Universal Knowledge), cited in pp. 25-26 of Kandel, Isaac, L. (1944) Intellectual Cooperation: National and International, National Committee of the United States for American International Intellectual Cooperation, Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York.

Davis, Watson (13 May 1965)
"The universal brain: Is centralized storage and retrieval of all knowledge possible, feasible, or desirable?", paper delivered before the National Microfilm Association meeting, Cleveland, OH, USA, reprinted as pp. 60-65 of Kochen (1967).

DeSolla Price, Derek (16 May 1979)
"Knowledge space in compact storage and some distinctions regarding a World Mind, a World Encyclopedia, and a World Data Bank", paper presented at the World Mind Group Colloquium, Banff, Alberta, Canada; a version recorded on sound tape is available from Professor Goodman.

Franklin, Stephen (1972)
Knowledge Park, McClelland & Stewart, Toronto.

Garfield, Eugene (1964)
"Towards the World Brain" (Editorial), Current Contents, No. 7, pp. 4-5.

Garfield, Eugene (1968)
"World Brain' or 'MEMEX"? Mechanical and intellectual requirements for universal bibliographic control", pp. 169-196 of Montgomery, E. B. (Ed.) The Foundations of Access to Knowledge: A Symposium, Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, NY, USA; reprinted in Science Citation Index Guide (1968) pp. 64-68.

Garfield, Eugene (1975)
"The World Brain as seen by an information entrepreneur", pp. 155-160 of Kochen (1975).

Glushko, Robert J. (Feb-Mar 1990)
"Designing a hypertext electronic encyclopedia", ASIS Bulletin, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 14-16, 21, 22.

Goodman, H. J. Abraham (1972)
"The establishment of UNISIST - the World Science Information Network - as a step toward the World Brain", pp. 37-40 (and References, pp. 40a-40d) of Piternick, Anne (Ed.) Proceedings of the Western Canadian Computer Chapter, American Society for Information Science, Annual Conference, Winnipeg, Man., University of British Columbia Press, BC, Canada; reprinted as pp. 8a-8b (in very small print) of Wilson, John., Jr. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Supplement: Author Forums, Washington, D.C., Oct. 1972, American Society for Information Science, Washington.

Goodman, H. J. Abraham (1983)
"The development of national and international information systems and networks involving combinations of print and non-print media", Vol. 1, pp. 499-535 of Debons, Anthony & Arvid G. Larson (Eds.) Information Science in Action: System Design: Proceedings of the NATO Study Institute on Information Science, Crete, Greece, Aug. 1978, Sijthoff & Noordhoff International Publishers, Boston.

Goodman, H. J. Abraham (1977)
"Planning and plans for national library and information services", pp. 338-481 of Kent, Allen et al. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, Vol. 22, Dekker, New York.

Goodman, H. J. Abraham (1987a)
"The World Brain/World Encyclopedia concept: Its historical roots and the contribution of H. J. A. Goodman to the ongoing evolution and implementation of the concept", Vol. 24, pp. 91-98 of Ching-chih Chen (Ed.) Proceedings of the 50th Annual meeting of the American Association for Information Science.

Goodman, H. J. Abraham & William Winn (1981)
"Potentialities for 'quality of life' improvement via high technology-integrated learning/information/telecommunication systems", pp. 339-344 of Lasker, George E. (Ed.) Applied Systems and Cybernetics: Proceedings of the International Congress on Applied Systems Research and Cybernetcs, Acapulco, Mexico, Dec. 1980, Vol. 1, Pergamon Press, New York & Oxford.

Harmon, Glynn (1973)
"The world encyclopedia as a general system of models", pp. 221-231 of Rawski, C. H. (Ed.) Toward a Theory of Librarianship, Scarecrow Press, New York.

Harmon, Glynn (May 1988)
"The Intelligent World Encyclopedia project (CYC) Project at Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation", paper presented at the World Brain session, 17th ASIS Mid-Year Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI, ISA.

Kochen, Manfred (Ed.) (1967)
The Growth of Knowledge: Readings on Organization and Retrieval of Information, Wiley, New York & London.

Kochen, Manfred (1972)
"WISE, a World Information Synthesis and Encyclopedia", Journal of Documentation, Vol. 28, No. 4., pp. 322-343.

Kochen, Manfred (Ed.) (1975)
Information for Action: From Knowledge to Wisdom, Academic Press, New York & London.

Kochen, Manfred (1988)
"Extending the human record", report to the Library of Congress, Automated Systems Office, Washington.

Mayer-Kress, Gottfried (1996)
"Applications to International and Global Systems" (a Bibliography), available at

Mayer-Kress, Gottfried (1995)
"Global Brains as Paradigm for a Complex Adaptive World", Center for Complex Systems Research, University of Illinois, Technical Report CCSR-95-1, Urbana, Ill.

Mayne, Alan J. (1994)
"Critical Introduction", pp. 1-70, and an annotated Bibliography pp. 155-180, of H. G. Wells, World Brain: H. G. Wells on the Future of World Education, Adamantine Press, London, U. K.

Mayne, Alan J. (Sep 1978)
"Prospects for a world-wide information network", SPUR News, No. 10, Supplement, p. 22.

Pelton, Joseph N. (Sep-Oct 1989)
"Telepower: The emerging global brain", The Futurist, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 9-14.

Pelton, Joseph N. (1990)
Future Talk, Cross Communications, Boulder, CO, USA.

Rayward, W. Boyd
"Libraries, Museums, and Archives in the Digital Future: The Blurring of Institutional Boundaries", Keynote address presented at the 2nd National Preservation Office Conference: Multimedia Preservation - Capturing the Rainbow, Brisbane, Australia, Nov. 1995, The National Library of Australia, 14pgs, available on the web at

Rayward, W. Boyd
"The Universe of Information: The World of Paul Otlet for Documentation and International Organization, FID, The Hague, 1975.

Rossman, Parker (Aug 1982)
"The coming great electronic encyclopedia", The Futurist, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 53-57; a condensed version is reprinted in (Dec 1987) Education Digest, pp. 64-66.

Rossman, Parker (1992)
The Emerging Worldwide Electronic University: Information Age Global Higher Education, Greenwood Press, Westwood, CT, USA & London.

Russell, Peter
"The Global Brain: Speculations on the Evolutionary Leap to Planetary Consciousness, J. P. Tarder, Inc., Los Angeles, 1982

Smith, R. A. (1946)
Towards a Living Encyclopedia: A Contribution to Mr. Wells' New Encyclopedia, Dakers, London.

Wells, H. G. (1936c) (Dec 1936)
"Letters to the Editor: Mr. Wells' Encyclopedia", Spectator, Vol. 218, p. 993.

Wells, H. G. (1938a)
World Brain, Methuen, London & Doubleday Doran, Garden City, NY, USA; later reprinted in 1973 as World Encyclopedia in the Folcroft Library Edition, Folcroft, PA, USA. Chapter 1 first appeared in print in 1936 in the Proceedings of the Royal Institution, Vol. 29, pp. 371-396; it was later reprinted as pp. 11-22 of Kochen (1967).

Wells, H. G. (1942b)
Science and the World Mind, New Europe Publishing Company, London.

World Mind Group Newsletter
Vol. 1 had five issues: No. 1 (Jan 1976), No. 2 (Dec 1977), No. 3 (Mar 1978), No. 4 & Supplement (Dec 1978), No. 5 (Aug 1979). No. 1 was edited by H. J. Abraham Goodman & Manfred Kochen, and Nos. 2-5 were edited by C. A. Webber, Jr.; copies available from Professor Goodman.

Wyllie, Jan (1993a) (April 1993)
"The need for business information refineries", Aslib Information, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 97-102.

Wyllie, Jan (1993b) (Nov 1993)
"A study in recursion: A short content analysis on the theory of content analysis", Journal of AGSI, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 120-125.

Wyllie, Jan/Trend Monitor International Ltd. Eaton, Simon and Grundy, Nigel
"Trend Monitor Presents WORLD BRAIN: Learning how to bring together H. G. Wells' World Brain - A content analysis", P. 2 contains a multi-colour diagram representation of the World Brain, available on the Internet:

Wyllie, Jan
"The World Brain: A Content Analysis" available on the Internet at

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