> Is the new version available somewhere? Until it is, the current
> version ought to be on file in the internet drafts, no? I got a
> request just the other day asking how to cite to the HTML 2.0
> spec in a scholarly document.
> Maybe I'm confused, but I thought it was common practice to submit
> early drafts of specs as internet drafts. A lot of drafts go through
> -01, -02, ... -05 drafts before becoming RFC's.
> I just find it awkward that we can't refer to the current HTML
> spec even as an internet draft.
Yes, I agree, but we only have two weeks left to get the updated
version out anyway. I would rather not have to deal with all the
initial reviewers of the first Internet-Draft (there will be a bunch)
in the last two weeks before the next revision. Besides, once we
get the filename, people can start referencing it.
I see we also now have "official" status as a working group -- see
We are also on the agenda for San Jose:
THURSDAY, December 8, 1994
0830-0900 Continental Breakfast
0900-0930 Technical Presentations
0930-1200 Morning Sessions
APP html HyperText Markup Language WG
APP mailext Mail Extensions WG
IPNG addrconf Address Autoconfiguration BOF
RTG idr Inter-Domain Routing WG
RTG mobileip IP Routing for Wireless/Mobile Hosts WG
RTG nimrod New Internet Routing and Addressing Architecture WG
SEC aft Authenticated Firewall Traversal WG
USV trainmat Network Training Materials WG
1330-1530 Afternoon Sessions I
APP html HyperText Markup Language WG
APP notary Notifications and Acknowledgements Requirements WG
INT pppext Point-to-Point Protocol Extension WG
IPNG addrconf Address Autoconfiguration BOF
MGT snmpv2 SNMP Version 2 WG
RTG idr Inter-Domain Routing WG
RTG mobileip IP Routing for Wireless/Mobile Hosts WG
SEC saag Security Area Advisory Group
TSV tcpng Next Generation TCP BOF
USV run Responsible Use of the Network WG
1530-1600 Break (Refreshments provided)
1600-1700 Technical Presentations
1700-1930 Open Plenary and IESG
.....Roy Fielding ICS Grad Student, University of California, Irvine USA