Re: meeting

Gary Adams - Sun Microsystems Labs BOS (gra@zeppo-sa.East.Sun.COM)
Wed, 30 Nov 94 11:37:03 EST

> From: Bill Hefley <weh@SEI.CMU.EDU>
> Which level should the following feature be in?
> 1. ICADD extensions - 2.0

2.0 or 2.1 draft 00

> 2. <super> and <sub> - 2.1

2.1 if upward compatable with 3.0 math extensions

> 3. <input type=file> (I had to get this one in) = 3.0

3.0 sounds like a good place for input files

> 4. &nbsp; &shy; - 2.1

2.1 draft 00

> 5. tables - 3.0

2.1 draft 01 would be a fine place for tables.
(like Forms it appears that tables are being deployed
ahead of a formal specification on several popular
