Re: Followup on I18N comments
Wed, 30 Nov 1994 14:46:37 -0700
Hello! My name is Jason Russell, and I am a Computer Science
major in the Honors Program at the University of Michigan - Flint.
Here is a brief outline of how this Honors Program is designed.
1. The first semester of the Junior year is spent researching a
topic that is of interest.
2. The second semester of the Junior year is spent preparing for
an off-campus study period.
3. The first semester of the Senior year (or over the summer) is
when the off-campus study takes place.
At this time, I am in the second stage of the Program. The topic
that I have selected to do is in the field of 3-D Computer Graphics.
I am just learning the basics of this topic, mainly ray tracing, but
I am in need of a lot more information. I don't have a particular
idea of which area to research, due to my brief knowledge of the
The reason for my writting you is to possible get a bit of
information. At this stage of the program, I am trying to get an
idea of which universities/companies are doing the latest research in
3- D graphics. My offer is to be a "FREE" research assistant in
exchange for hands-on experience. I figured that with your high-
standing in the field of computer science, you would have some idea
of these places. This information is extremely vital to my progress
in this program. If you have any information that you would be
willing to give me to help me along, such as:
1. Which Universities/Companies are doing the latest research?
2. Any mailing/E-mail addresses of specific instructors?
3. Any mailing/E-mail addresses of you colleagues who would be
able to help me any further?
4. If you would have any need for an assistant?
5. Or any other information that you would be willing to give me?
Currently, I am trying to obtain information by way of the
Internet lines and local companies such as EDS. If there is any
information that you could pass on to me, it would be greatly
appreciated. Here are my addresses:
Thanks again for your help. I hope to hear from you soon.