Re: version 2 or version 3?

lilley (
Wed, 5 Apr 95 21:59:56 EDT

Bob Kline says:

> I picked up a document from the Web this afternoon which was
> described as the text for the draft of version 3 of the HTML
> specification.

> The upper left corner of the document says:
> HTML Working Group
> <draft-ietf-html-spec-03.txt>
> Expires September 29, 1995

That is the internet draft for the HTML 2.0 specification you have there.
The 03 merely means that there have been two other revisions of the text
of this document recently. If it gets changed again, that 03 will become
an 04.

> The title of the document, however, is "HyperText Markup
> Language -- 2.0"


> If it's version 2, where can I obtain the latest
> draft for version 3? Thanks very much!

I don't think there is an internet draft for 3.0, that would be a little
premature when 2.0 is not nailed down yet.

The term `internet draft' has a rather precise meaning. Something only
gets to be an internet draft once it is discussed to death and people
are mostly happy about what it says. It does not mean an early version
of a document, as the ordinary use of the term draft would imply.

There is documentation on the experimental HTML 3.0 at


Chris Lilley
|Technical Author, Manchester and North HPC Training & Education Centre|
| Computer Graphics Unit,             |  Email: |
| Manchester Computing Centre,        |  Voice: +44 61 275 6045        |
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