html-wg-95q2 by subject
Starting: Mon 03 Apr 1995 - 06:51:24 MDT
Ending: Fri 30 Jun 1995 - 19:04:51 MDT
Messages: 1431
- (no subject)
- (Third? lost count) revised Registration of new Media Type multipart/form-data
- 7.2.1 footnote 1
- <select>
- <style> in the <head> or in the <body> ?
- <TAB> tag
- [ANNOUNCE] Pre-Release of WISE: A WWW-Based Software Metrics Tool
- [ RFC1808 on Relative Uniform Resource Locators]
- [Q] Links inside maths in HTML3
- A Multimedia-didactical improvement/suggestion.
- A question from another list on META
- A User's Opinion
- A/LINK attributes
- acknowledgements
- ALIGN attribute default
- ALT text without an <IMG>? Proposal for new <ALT> tag
- apology
- Attempt at HTML 2.1 (tables)
- backward compatibility for links
- backward compatibility for links + more random thoughts
- Broken links on HTML Math page at
- Broken links on HTML Math page at got a failure report when trying to email ht
- Byte ranges -- formal spec proposal
- Case Sensitivity
- case sensitivity in tags?
- Character markup in HTML3 vs. HTML[012]
- Character Set Terminology, SC2 vs. SC18 vs. Internet Standards
- Character Set Terminology, SC2 vs. SC18 vs. Internet Standards [LONG]
- Character sets: the last straw.
- Charset labelling (Was: Comments on: "Character Set" Considered
- Charset labelling (Was: Comments on: "Character Set" Considered Harmful)
- charset labelling [was: ISO/IEC 10646 as Document Character Set]
- color text?
- color text? [and the cache]
- Comment Declarations
- Commenting from file
- Comments on html 3.0 draft
- Comments on HTML 3.0 Draft of March 28
- Comments on June 8 draft
- Comments on June 8 draft (long)
- Comments on June 8 draft (long))
- Comments on: "Character Set" Considered
- Comments on: "Character Set" Considered Harmful
- Comments on: "Character Set" Considered Harmful)
- conformance with HTML-2, LINT?
- content model of HEAD
- Correct syntax of <LI> tags
- Dan's new draft looks good
- Definition List Headers
- Definitions of semantic format elements
- Deployment of Format negociation [was: Suppressed content in HEAD: myth or reality?]
- Dexterm Model [was: HTML 2.0 LAST CALL: Hyperlinking, Forms, Elements (fwd) ]
- Disappearance of <dfn>, <u> and <s>
- Displaying HEAD info
- Displaying HEAD info [was REL/REV/links]
- DP attribute - correct overrides?
- Draft document in PostScript
- draft-ietf-html-fileupload-02.txt sent to I-D editor
- draft-ietf-html-spec-0{2,3}.txt
- draft: "Character Set" Considered Harmful
- Editorial comments on HTML 2.0 Draft 3/31/95
- Embedding into HTML [was signature/encryption tags]
- embedding public-key cryptography into HTML
- Ems in tables
- format nego in HTML/10646?
- Forms and PASSWORD input fields
- Fragment IDs case sensitive? [was: Comments on June 8 draft (long) ]
- Further on new "spec-02"
- FYI - Dave's move to Boston ...
- FYI: HTML 2.0
- GIFs
- Handling unknown ISO/IEC 10646 numeric char refs
- How can we prohibit...
- How do you include a <INPUT TYPE="IMAGE"> to work?
- How far should HTML go (functionally)?
- How to get off this newsgroup?
- How to specify 10646 as document char set
- HR and RE
- HTImage
- html
- HTML 2.0 DTD
- HTML 2.0 June 15 draft: Bibliography links to sources?
- HTML 2.0 LAST CALL: *emph() and acknowledgements
- HTML 2.0 LAST CALL: ...)
- HTML 2.0 LAST CALL: <TEXTAREA> content
- HTML 2.0 LAST CALL: Hyperlinking, Forms, Elements
- HTML 2.0 LAST CALL: Hyperlinking, Forms, Elements (fwd)
- HTML 2.0 LAST CALL: Minor typos
- HTML 2.0 LAST CALL: Numeric character refs
- HTML 2.0 LAST CALL: Numeric character refs (fwd)Precedence: bulk
- HTML 2.0 LAST CALL: Security words
- HTML 2.0 reconstruction done
- HTML 2.0 Tidbits
- HTML 3.0
- html 3.0 - banners ok - where is the trailer?
- HTML Character Representation/Transmission Model
- HTML Code List
- HTML Documentation
- HTML Documents
- HTML Documents (SGML text)
- HTML draft -02 not on
- HTML form architecture ? review of DECFORMS/ANSI/ISO FIMS
- HTML form feature list ? DECFORMS/ANSI FIMS features in detail
- HTML info
- HTML Link Type Model
- HTML Link Type Model (fwd)
- HTML Link Type Model - where to standardize ?
- HTML link types - how much must be specified in the standard ?
- HTML link types - implied behavior of specific REL vlaues
- HTML link types - treatment of nonstandard / documentary REL values
- HTML Link types - user hint? or hardwired internal browser call ?
- HTML Links and Paths
- HTML style sheets mailing list
- HTML table model suggestion
- HTML tables - trying to reach consensus
- HTML v2.0 focus and closure
- HTML VWG Agenda
- html.dtd broken?
- HTML/SGML/charsets
- http server which returns "charset:" correctly
- Hypertext links in HTML
- Hypertext links in HTML (fwd)
- HyTime Application Development Guide
- I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-html-charset-harmful-00.txt
- I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-html-fileupload-02.txt
- I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-html-spec-02.txt
- I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-html-spec-03.txt
- I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-html-spec-04.txt
- I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-html-specv3-00.txt
- IETF HTML/CALS/ICADD table proposal notes, 5Apr95
- IMAGEMAPS need better description in 3.0
- IMG ALIGN discrepancy: error or intentional?
- IMG ALIGN discrepancy: error or intentional?
- Implied NAME attribute for INPUT tag?
- input type=file
- InsignificantTypo man's crazy idea
- Insufficient description for ISMAP
- Integrating STYLE to cover most functional needs
- Interim meeting?
- Interpretation of RE
- ISMAP idea (?v4)
- ISO techniques for Mathematics tagging
- ISO/IEC 10646 as Document Character Set
- Java Applet element proposal
- Java Applet element proposal)
- June 15 draft -- DL
- June 15 draft by ftp
- June 15 draft: INPUT, ISO-8859, SGML references
- June 8 draft by ftp
- June 8 draft: minor nits. the last one?
- keyword tag, REL, REV, TYPE, INDEX....
- keyword tag?
- Last call: Intro, SGML, MIME sections
- Latin-1 references
- LI syntax, Modest Proposal
- Link style sheets
- Link style sheets [was REL and REV]
- Links and Interactivity
- Looking ahead and planning
- Looking for help.....HTML Questions\Feedback
- MacHTTPD: ClickableImages: How the hell....?
- Mail failure
- May 31 Draft
- minimal link typing mechanism
- moderating this list
- modifiable HTML
- More comments on the HTML 3.0 draft
- More syntax details in HTML 2.0?
- Multilingual WWW
- Named Character Entities for BIDI Texts
- Named Character Entities for BIDI Texts [Correction]
- need BNF for HTML2.0
- netscapism quote
- New draft: charset, conformance cleanup
- New functions
- New look at forms
- New look at forms - look at ANSI FIMS / DECForms for spec
- new Postscript: 8.5x11 [was: HTML 2.0 LAST CALL: Hyperlinking,
- new Postscript: 8.5x11 [was: HTML 2.0 LAST CALL: Hyperlinking, Forms, Elements ]
- Newbie has a question (New idea or old?)
- Notes on HTML3 draft
- Null partial URLs with fragment IDs: spec vs behavior!
- Numeric char references
- Numeric character references and ISO-2022
- Numeric character references and ISO-2022 (was: ISO/IEC 10646 as
- on Why= with keyword REV= et al
- Our Friends REL and REV
- Parsing < and <
- partial draft: "Character Set" Considered Harmful
- PIs and deployment
- Planning new RFCs! [was: REL and REV attributes -- a new RFC?]
- Posting to this list
- Postscript woes: help with TeXinfo printing?
- Potentially useful information
- Presentation info in HTML? [was: color text?]
- Presentation info in HTML? [was: color text?] [LONG. Sorry]
- Presentation methods/media types
- Presentation methods/media types (was: Java Applet element proposal)
- progress on HTML 2.0 reconstruction
- Prologue Support [was: SGML Declaration vs. System Declaration]
- proposal to add a new tag to fill-out FORM
- Proposals for new features
- PUT?
- Q: Where to find DTDs referenced in HTML3 draft
- questions about HTML DTD 1995/03/29
- RANGE - default value
- Re [LAST CALL]: progress on HTML 2.0 reconstruction
- Re REL/REV links
- Re(2): HTML 2.0 reconstruction done
- Re(2): HTML Documents (SGML text)
- Re(2): Last call: Intro, SGML, MIME sections
- Re(2): SHORTTAGh
- RE: keyword tag?
- Redoing Forms
- Redoing Forms)
- Registration of new Media Type multipart/form-data
- REL and REV attributes (Was: More comments on HTML 3.0
- REL and REV attributes (Was: More comments on HTML 3.0)
- REL and REV attributes -- a new RFC?
- REL/REV Link ideas
- REL="LinkAs:...", supporting link type names as a full URL/URI
- relation of ISMAP to URL
- Review comments re. HTML V2 draft of March 29
- Revised Draft [was: character sets harmful?]
- Revised language on: ISO/IEC 10646 -- another proposal
- Revised language on: ISO/IEC 10646 as Document Character Set
- RFC's In HTML Format
- Scope of the HTML 2.0 document
- SGML compliance
- SGML confirming?
- SGML confirming? and HTML conformance testing
- SGML Declaration vs. System Declaration
- SGML is an _ugly_ solution to an _elegant_ problem [was: Parsing < and <]
- signature/encryption tags
- signature/encryption tags -> follow-up
- Signatures and Security
- some questions about HTML 2.0 DTD
- Standardized links and link types RFC (Was: REL and REV attributes)
- Status of <select>
- Status of WG documents -- 23 May 1995
- Stockholm registration
- Style/content separation (was: color text?)
- Sublists for focused topics
- subscribe
- Suggestion for HTML Text Format Elements
- Suppressed content in HEAD: myth or reality?
- Syntax for mapped files ?
- Tables & BIDI
- Tables Described Logically
- tables, map pages
- test message
- text in the <HR> tag
- Text version of the draft (Was: Revised language on: ISO/IEC...)
- The Challenge
- Thinking about style sheets
- Tools for RFCs
- Typed Links for Glossary [Was: Last call: Intro, SGML, MIME sections]
- Typed links in HTML 2.0 document: done
- UL & OL: labels
- Undeclared entities, wierd numeric character references
- unsanctioned drift
- Usability of HTML 2.0/3.0 specs -- element names in TOC
- Use of ALIGN attribute with ADDRESS (html 3.0)
- Using the HTML format for e-mail messages and Usenet News articles
- Vendors taking SGML seriously
- version 2 or version 3?
- Wet blankets
- WG Citation Attribution - a Plea!
- What happend to <LINK NAME="..." ... >?
- Where are we on ISO/IEC 10646?
- Who took the minutes for the HTML WG meeting in Danvers?
- Widths in tables
- WISE NASA WWW Project Management... (my mistake)
- Yet another table proposal for HTML 2.1
Last message date: Fri 30 Jun 1995 - 19:04:51 MDT
Archived on: Wed Aug 02 1995 - 09:49:31 MDT
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