Re: Interpretation of RE

Keith M. Corbett (
Wed, 12 Apr 95 15:04:32 EDT

At 04:47 AM 4/12/95 -0400, Craig Hubley wrote:

>Anyway, I'd like to assemble a list of HTML products that disobey SGML rules,

Who should be the arbiter of disputed claims? perhaps SGML Open?

It might be more constructive to keep a list of conforming systems.
(Certainly this would be a shorter list. :) The only product I know of that
claims conformance is SoftQuad's HoTMetaL (as stated in the "About..." screen).

Surely most (all?) HTML browsers are not "conforming SGML systems" in terms
of ISO 8879-1 since they choke on so many standard features of the language.
