Re: Registration of new Media Type multipart/form-data

Ed Levinson (elevinso@Accurate.COM)
Thu, 13 Apr 95 12:16:05 EDT


The mimesgml WG is defining a new header to be included within a body
part, Content-SGML-Entity. We are defining it in an RFC and not as a
type registration. I don't think that the type registration process
permits anything other than just that. The way to go is via an RFC
that defines the type and the additional header(s).


On Tue, 11 Apr 1995 01:15:02 EDT Keith Moore wrote:
>keith> This is a little bit wierd. Offhand, I don't know of any thing in
>keith> MIME that allows type-specific body part headers to be defined, or any
>keith> body part that defines such headers. It's not clear that existing
>keith> MIME parsers would support this. Even if they were to support it,
>keith> there's a strong argument to be made that it should be called
>keith> Content-{something}.

larry> What about:
larry> Content-form-field
larry> instead of
larry> Name

keith> Maybe. I'm not sure it's reasonable for a content-type to define new
keith> body part headers. What do other people think?