Re: REL and REV attributes (Was: More comments on HTML 3.0)

Murray Maloney (murray@sco.COM)
Thu, 27 Apr 95 14:55:12 EDT

> > >The problem is that ad-hoc RELs with no
> > > semantics are what we have now -- and the result is that hardly
> > > anyone uses REL.
> >
> > Another explanation: authors are not encouraged or taught to use it,
> > as the browsers do not (reliably) show the REL of a link to another,
> > even as an option (NoteCards browsers *did*, and everyone used them).
> I've been thinking about asking our developer to add Rel and Rev to
> HoTMetaL PRO's ``Edit URL'' dialogue box, with pop-up menus of the most
> common values read from a config file.
> However, I'm only aware of one browser that actually does anything with the
> Rel and Rev tags, SCO's, so it seems pretty pointless to add a feature
> to encourage people to waste their time adding them.... although, I also
> think it's a catch-22 situation, and we need the golden swan to lay the
> first chicken's egg. Or something.

I wouldn't consider it "pretty pointless". :-)

