Is there a list of these at a URL somewhere?
Is it really a "go back to" or could it be "previous" or "next"
-- by which I mean previous or next in a logical tree --
or even "go to top"?
Previous and next already have keywords specified in HTML 3.0 draft.
Go to top could be -- in some interpretations -- equivalent to "parent".
But it might be useful to have a "top" keyword.
> Several commented that the REV attribute could be used for this
> purpose. But, the only works if we have an agreed upon
> semantics. And there are likely other examples, such as TOC,
> Index, Glossary. A few standard values would go a long way to
> promoting such use.
Can we start a canonical list?
TOP Beginning of the current [long?] document?
Logical top of the tree of which the current document
is a branch?
BACK Previous (logical) document, ie up one step in the
FORWARD Next (logical) document, ie down one step in the tree
AUTHOR [Principal] person who wrote the current document
OWNER [Principal] person responsible for this document
being here
>From HTML3:
HOME User's home page? Needed? Seeing as all browsers
implement this in their own functions anyway
TOC These all have well-defined uses
UP (and presumably DOWN?)
HELP Valuable. Way to link to author-provided help.
BOOKMARK See comment under HOME
In a dimensionless Web, UP/DOWN, FORWARD/BACK, PREVIOUS/NEXT all seem
to me to mean the same thing: grandparent-parent-child
relationship. Or can someone whose brain is a little less fried than
mine clarify this?
All it seems to need is dynamic floating toolbars/buttonbars which
label with the REL/REV and flicker the TITLE value when the mouse
pointer traverses them.