Re: REL and REV attributes (Was: More comments on HTML 3.0)

Craig Hubley (
Fri, 28 Apr 95 00:23:09 EDT

> link types -- my goal was to bring the Web's link model closer to
> the sophistication of other multimedia systems. Some of the

Doesn't SGML HyTime already specify an abstract link model ?

> features that I wanted to address were:
> * A framework for link relationships and link activation conditions.
> * Multiple anchors/multiple targets for a single structured link.
> * Arbitrary length structured URIs and client-side URI modifiers.

This sounds even more like HyTime.

> I'll post an outline here after folding in some of the interesting
> points made in this discussion. As an RFC, I'd like to see an
> abstract link model specified, with "bindings" to HTML and VRML.

I have been interested for some time in seeing if the HyTime model
(which I do not understand all that well) could be reconciled with the
HTML idea of links/anchors/link-types.

> Paul Burchard <>

Craig Hubley                Business that runs on knowledge
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