Re: color text?
Eric Bina (
Mon, 1 May 95 18:07:10 EDT
> "Style sheets" may sound scary, but the proposed STYLE tag for HTML3
> demystifies it. Let's compare Netscape's color attributes with the
> Cascading Style Sheet notation:
> Netscape 1.1:
> <HEAD>
> <TITLE>Color Control Example</TITLE>
> </HEAD>
> <BODY TEXT="#F0F0F0" BGCOLOR="#000000">
> Cascading style sheet notation:
> <HEAD>
> <TITLE>Color Control Example</TITLE>
> <STYLE notation=css>font.color=#FFF; back.color=#000</STYLE>
> </HEAD>
> <BODY>
> Not much difference. However, the above example shows just about
> all you can do with the BODY attributes, while style sheets will give
> the web much more expressive power:
Except with the STYLE tag, an older browser will display
font.color=#FFF; back.color=#000
At the top of the document, not very backwards compatible.