Re: color text?

Gavin Nicol (
Wed, 3 May 95 19:35:44 EDT

>> ><BODY = helvetica; = bold; font.color = #000>
>> Please give me a list of all formatting attributes that will ever be
>> needed.
>There is no need to. We can simply add to the list when needed.
>This is exactly what you are planning to do with style sheets.

Not if you ever want to be SGML compliant (unless you plan to rewrite
the DTD whenever it pleases you to do so).

>> The above goes against a fundamental tenet of SGML (and after a long
>> painful period of debate, HTML), which is that the data should be as
>> independent as possible from style information.
>Oh please, not this again. Stop trying to invent fundamental tenets
>that don't exist. SGML is a syntactical language than can express
>formatting equally as well as content based markup. Trying to claim
>SGML as a "content" only language is an outright lie.

SGML came about from a particular mindset, which was the result of
extensive work in document processing. While what you say about the
SGML language is true, you skip the more important part, which is the
*mindset* involved.

I think many, many people dislike SGML the language. The group of
people who dislike the mindset is much smaller. SGML, without the
mindset, and it's tenets, is meaningless.

I recommend that you go away into a room somewhere, and think about
what a document really is.