> Perhaps this is a tabbo subject, but has there been any discussion of
> implementing the PUT command into browsers? This would require certain
> markup support in HTML. I know it is not currently supported by WWW servers
> but I think it would be great to allow users to upload documents without
> having to run an FTP server in addition to their WWW server. A method could
> be created to only allow documents to be sent to certain directories and
> perhaps to limit documents to non-executables. If people want to truly
> create dynamic sites with user interaction I think this would be a
> prerequisite. It would be great to be able to have a user submit a file
> through a form, giving it's description and characteristics and then
> sending it, having the description and link automatically added to a file
> list document. This obviously raises many security issues, and perhaps
> uploading to non-WWW-file-tree directories would be prefered, but then I
> guess that would be up to the webmaster. Anyways, I'd like to discuss
> this(hopefully this will receive as much discussion as my 'color text?'
> question) so please comment.
Please take a look at http://lara0.exp.edf.fr/glazman/HTTPtool.html
What kind of markup are you planning to add ??? And does HTML really need
new elements in order to support PUT ???? I do not think so !
Once again, take a look at my HTTPtool and collect some information about
INRIA's and Grif's HTML editor, Symposia (I am beta-tester so I won't give
any clue about it).