Re: ISO/IEC 10646 as Document Character Set
Gavin Nicol (
Thu, 4 May 95 10:26:01 EDT
>a) charset has to be specified by the server, if ever possible.
>b) If that is missing, ISO 8859-1 is assumed.
>c) For worldwide handling, servers are (kindly) requested to
> make their data available in one of a very few encodings
> (centerd around ISO 10646).
>d) For backward compatibility and local convenience, other
> codings may be used locally, but have to be specified.
>[e) as a small warning to implementers: There is/was also
> the practice of using local encodings without specfying
> them. This practice is strongly discouraged, but it may
> continue to exist for some time in some local areas.]
This is, in essence, what I have been striving for since late last
year. We *are* getting there slowly...