Re: HTML 3.0

Eric W. Sink (
Thu, 4 May 95 17:20:44 EDT

>I checked the newsgroups, the website, and the mail archives for
>the www lists I could find (this was not one of them). There has been a
>recent flurry of activity in the newsgroups concerning html 3.0 as though
>there were a FINAL and ADOPTED standard out. Is there or is there not an
>html 3.0 released yet?

(sigh) -- This is the one problem with getting things in I-D format so early.
Some Internet-Drafts are mature, on the verge of blooming into a real spec.

Some Internet-Drafts are merely strawman proposals or discussion documents,
representing something not even close to a consensus of the Working Group.

The difference between these two kinds of I-D's is not obvious, but the HTML
3.0 document is in the category of the latter. It is not even close to a
final standard.

Actually, the WG's attention toward this mammoth document will likely
decrease as we focus on several smaller documents which are much more
manageable. It seems likely that the I-D for HTML 3.0 will likely not be
updated in its current "One Big Document" format before its expiration.

Remember Internet-Drafts flutter away after six months of life.

Eric W. Sink
Senior Software Engineer, Spyglass