Do not send answers only to the html-wg mailing list, since
I will then not see them.
--- cut here ---
RCPT TO:<jptest@DSV.SU.SE>
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 1995 06:18:00 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Jacob Palme <>
Message-Id: <jpalme*>
X-mailer: KOM-95V0.1
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY="Boundary 1"
; Note: We will of course use better Boundary strings than this
Subject: Demo of a MIME MULTIPART/ALTERNATIVE message
This message is in MIME format. It contains the same text in two
formats. The first part is in plain text format. The second part
is the same text in the World Wide Web (HTML) format.
--Boundary 1
Content-ID: <jpalme*>
--Boundary 2
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE
Content-Id: <jpalme*>
Centered header
| Picture of circle inside square |
This is a message, which will be sent first as plain text, and then in the
HTML format, using the MIME MULTIPART/ALTERNATIVE method of sending the
same text in the same message in two different ways.
Jacob Palme E-mail:
Department of Computer and Phone: +46-8-16 16 67
Systems Sciences (DSV) Fax: +46-8-703 90 25
Stockholm University Postal address: Skeppargatan 73,
Royal Institute of technology S-11530 Stockholm, Sweden
--Boundary 2
Content-Type: TEXT/HTML; Version=3.0; Charset=iso-8859-1; X-w4g-subset=1
; X-w4g-subset is a local extension to indicate the subset of
; HTML we will use. This will help our receiving client to decide
; whether to use the internal HTML viewer or call an external more
; general-purpose such viewer
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT
Content-Id: <jpalme*>
This is a message, which will be sent first as plain
text, and then in the HTML format, using the MIME
MULTIPART/ALTERNATIVE method of sending the same text in the
same message in two different ways.
Jacob Palme E-mail:
Department of Computer and Phone: +46-8-16 16 67
Systems Sciences (DSV) Fax: +46-8-703 90 25
Stockholm University Postal address: Skeppargatan 73,
Royal Institute of technology S-11530 Stockholm, Sweden
--Boundary 2--
--Boundary 1
Content-Type: IMAGE/GIF
Content-Disposition: ????????????
Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64