Using the HTML format for e-mail messages and Usenet News articles

Jacob Palme (
Tue, 16 May 95 03:55:31 EDT

Here is a revised version of how we are planning to allow
e-mail messages and Usenet News articles in the HTML format.

Do not send answers only to the html-wg mailing list, since
I will then not see them.

--- cut here ---
RCPT TO:<jptest@DSV.SU.SE>
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 1995 06:18:00 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Jacob Palme <>
Message-Id: <jpalme*>
X-mailer: KOM-95V0.1
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY="Boundary 1"
; Note: We will of course use better Boundary strings than this
Subject: Demo of a MIME MULTIPART/ALTERNATIVE message

This message is in MIME format. It contains the same text in two
formats. The first part is in plain text format. The second part
is the same text in the World Wide Web (HTML) format.

--Boundary 1
Content-ID: <jpalme*>

--Boundary 2
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE
Content-Id: <jpalme*>

Centered header

| Picture of circle inside square |

This is a message, which will be sent first as plain text, and then in the
HTML format, using the MIME MULTIPART/ALTERNATIVE method of sending the
same text in the same message in two different ways.

Jacob Palme E-mail:
Department of Computer and Phone: +46-8-16 16 67
Systems Sciences (DSV) Fax: +46-8-703 90 25
Stockholm University Postal address: Skeppargatan 73,
Royal Institute of technology S-11530 Stockholm, Sweden

--Boundary 2
Content-Type: TEXT/HTML; Version=3.0; Charset=iso-8859-1; X-w4g-subset=1
; X-w4g-subset is a local extension to indicate the subset of
; HTML we will use. This will help our receiving client to decide
; whether to use the internal HTML viewer or call an external more
; general-purpose such viewer
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT
Content-Id: <jpalme*>


Large font header

Picture of circle inside square
This is the caption of the picture

This is a message, which will be sent first as plain text, and then in the HTML format, using the MIME MULTIPART/ALTERNATIVE method of sending the same text in the same message in two different ways.

Jacob Palme                   E-mail:
Department of Computer and    Phone: +46-8-16 16 67
Systems Sciences (DSV)        Fax: +46-8-703 90 25
Stockholm University          Postal address: Skeppargatan 73,
Royal Institute of technology S-11530 Stockholm, Sweden
--Boundary 2-- --Boundary 1 Content-Type: IMAGE/GIF Content-Disposition: ???????????? Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-Id: Content-Description: Picture of circle inside square R0lGODlhgALgAfAAAP///wAAACwAAAAAgALgAQAC/4SPqcvtD6OctNqLs968 +w+G4kiW5omm6sq27gvH8kzX9o3n+s73/g8MCofEovGITCqXzKbzCY1Kp9Sq 9YrNarfcrvcLDovH5LL5jE6r1+y2+w2Py+f0uv2Oz+v3/L7/DxgoOEhYaHiI mKi4yNjo+AgZKTlJWWl5iZmpuXkT4PkJGio6SlpqCsqZquoX0NO6ChtL97pD K3uLm2abs5vr++vV2wlMXKwlbINsvMycpEzz3Cw97RMtY02drT2DDdO9DR6O 8u1CLn6O3mHOsp7u/i7RrlC6IQ9/j39gD/DZ0H+xL5/AdPI8TTBYIeDAheDa OUzIMKJEA+YQAvymcKLGYv/kLGLw6CDjxpG5MGYEyUAkyZWwMH7AppKlzE3d YvKDYHOmzkowR0TLuTMopJ4ifgo9yhFniWdAkTo9ZK3pTX9Pq8qKujSk1a2q jJpQJpWr2Dxes6Yci9ZSWRJg07qVtNYn1bd0G8UtOreuXkR3Q7TdC7hQXxB/ AxsGNPhl3sOM9yT2ULix5DtY2WqdjLlOZbmLM3t2sxlv58+kdUUA+ri0ajBE /T4Iuzo2kZquX8u+LcYl5NO4ewc7eLK17+FXOgZEeZa48ioV7SFPvjw6lIcW Kkq/7qSgyerYuyvZ929BeIjeyxcJPqqe+fVCYGtwzz7+e1fy6+uA/9G+/mT0 9/v/j4EfQP8NWE5/BB44joEILshZLQw+KJqDEE6ojoIUXljdKRpuyCEpGH4I YogijkhiiSaeiGKKKq7IYosuvghjjDLOSGONNt6IY4467shjjz7+CGSQQg5J ZJFGHolkkkouyWSTTj4JZZRSTklllVZeiWWWWm7JZZdefglmmGKOSWaZZp6J Zppqrslmm26+CWeccs5JZ5123olnnnruyWeffv4JaKCCDkpooYYeimiiii7K aKOOPgpppJJOSmmlll6Kaaaabsppp55+Cmqooo5Kaqmmnopqqqquymqrrr4K a6yyzkprrbbeimuuuu7Ka6++/gpssMIOS2yxxh6LbLLK/y7LbLPOPgtttNJO S2211l6Lbbbabsttt95+C2644o5Lbrnmnotuuuquy2677r4Lb7zyzktvvfbe i2+++u7Lb7/+/gtwwAIPTHDBBh+McMIKL8xwww4/DHHEEk9MccUWX4xxxhpv zHHHHn8Mcsgij0xyySafjHLKKq/McssuvwxzzDLPTHPNNt+Mc84678xzzz7/ DHTQQg9NdNFGH4100kovzXTTTj8NddRST0111VZfjXXWWm/Ndddefw122GKP TXbZZp+Ndtpqr812226/DXfccs9Nd91234133nrvzXfffv8NeOCCD0544YYf jnjiii/OeOOOPw555JJPTnnllpRfjnnmmm/Oeeeefw566KKPTnrppp+Oeuqq r856666/Dnvsss9Oe+2234577rrvznvvvv8OfPDCD0988cYfj3zyyi/PfPPO Pw999NJPT3311l+Pffbab899995/D3744o9Pfvnmn49++uqvz3777r8Pf/zy z09//fbfj3/++u/Pf//+/w/AAApwgAQsoAEPiEDDEAAFADs= --Boundary 1-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jacob Palme (Stockholm University and KTH) for more info see URL: