Re: HTML link types - how much must be specified in the standard ?

Joe English (
Tue, 16 May 95 13:47:13 EDT

Murray Maloney <murray@sco.COM> wrote:
> Craig Hubley writes:
> > 2. those which allow an author to use a REL value instead of a specific HRE
> > essentially using the REL value as a pronoun (e.g. NEXT, PREVIOUS) and
> > may represent those 'pronouns' as generic icons on a toolbar or a menu.
> Instead? When we use a <LINK REL=NEXT we still have to hardwire the
> URL of the next document. Even if we were to rely on some external
> agent to resolve the meaning of NEXT, we would have to hardwire a
> cgi-bin URL that could resolve on the server side. I don't understand
> how we could avoid specifying a URL.

A server could supply the links in HTTP headers, instead of
having them embedded in the document:

Link: <> ; rel="next"
Link: <> ; rel="previous"

This could be used by the server to present different "paths"
through a multi-node document.

--Joe English