URI is not a deprecated term: it seems to me that it is a generalization
of URLs intented to cover URNs and othe stuff. By using it in the
standard we are leaving ourselves open to extensions via the work of the
URI working group.
I think, however the use of the prefix url: in front of URLs was
prefered for a while in the URI working group, but sufficently
unpopular it was dropped from later sepecifications, except in the
context of the "wrapper" <URI: > for marking them in plain text.
I haven't followed this closely, so I may be wrong about the details.
I have a printout of a draft of a "Uniform Resources Locators"
document dated Mar 21 94 which says in section 1.1.1:
To be a Uniform Resource Locator as currently defined by the URI working
group, the whole string must start with a constant prefix "URL:". [...]
This seems to have disappeared from RFC 1738, so the production
prefixedurl u r l : url
in RFC 1630 may be read as a historical footnote.
I'm not sure this is an inconsistency we can iron out at this time.
The URI working group is going to keep redefining things. I'd guess
the reason for referencing RFC1630 is that it generally reflected
current practice better and includes some details that are more
web specific like fragement-id and relative URLs.
-- Albert Lunde Albert-Lunde@nwu.edu