> The suggestion is to change this to:
> <!ENTITY % head.extra "">
> <!ENTITY % head.content "TITLE & ISINDEX? & BASE? %head.extra">
> <!ELEMENT HEAD O O (%head.content) +(META|LINK)>
Inclusion exceptions are evil (Ouch! My knee just jerked.)
> with an exclusion on the TITLE element of -(META|LINK).
> This is the model we use for HoTMetaL, since Internet Assistant generates
> HTML that parses with our inclusion-based model but not with the model
> used in the HTML 2 draft.
This is arguably a bug in IA...
I guess it's a good enough reason to change the DTD,
but I worry that adding more inclusion exceptions (especially
to HEAD, which ought to be relatively well-structured)
will cause headaches later on if any new HEAD elements
are added.