I'd favor getting the RFC editor to accept a file type of .dtd for DTD's
associated with RFCs and internet drafts or (more radically) to create
a new directory in the rfc/internet-draft mirror sites. Getting something
in a form that will be carried by RFC mirror sites fits the distribution
into the IETF's existing framework for publishing things and provides
acccess by many protocols.
But associating a DTD with an RFC/Internet-draftname doesn't solve
the problem of mapping public identifiers. The second idea above
would do that, but it seems like a hack.
(It would be nice to have working URNs about now ;)
Would the mapping be something that belongs in the "assigned-numbers"
RFC? (Not that this can be read automatically either.)
What does the SGML community do about issues think this?
--- Albert Lunde Albert-Lunde@nwu.edu