David Morris (
Tue, 20 Jun 95 14:42:01 EDT

On Tue, 20 Jun 1995, Daniel Wood - FES OPS ~ wrote:

> > > Tom M. queried ...
> > > 2. In internal releases of Mosaic for Windows 2.0b5, we've added an
> > > attribute to A called SUBJECT, which would be used with mailto: URLs for
> > > just what you think it would be. It seems to me, though, that TITLE might
> > > be suitable for use for this. Opinions on this?
> > >
> > > If there are strong negative feelings about the use of TITLE for this, how
> > > do people feel about a SUBJECT attribute?
> >
> > I think that this would be a very good use for the TITLE attribute.
> This would conflict with the original meaning of TITLE, no? Unless
> the subject of mailto URLs is defined to be the same as whatever text
> you wish displayed to the user by the browser. (Which is inelegant.)

I think TITLE might make a fine default for a mailto: subject when
a better source wasn't available. Surely the user of the interface will
have a chance to alter it? *BUT* this looks like a very special
case solution (adding SUBJECT as an attribute) to a more general
problem ... providing arguments to local processes whether METHODS
or URL 'protocols'.

I could see hiding the arguments in the URL or having a new attribute
which called for URL encoded arguments. Even an argument element
inside the anchor content. Enough to ponder for a while as well
as reading LarryM's reference and others.

In short, I lean away from method/protocol specific attributes
on the <A> element.

Dave M.