Would it be in any way reasonable and/or acceptable for
a document's meta data to be stored outside of the
actual document and accessible via a hypertext link?
I would imagine that a collection of HTML documents (files)
that comprise a work (book) would/might have identical
associated meta data. If that is true, then a single
(or small set of) meta data file would be preferable
to repeating the meta data in each HTML file's <HEAD>.
So, I wonder whether a <LINK REL=META ...> is a possibility.
(I bet some of you saw this coming, didn't you?)
P.S. We're talking post-2.0.
Murray C. Maloney Internet: murray@sco.com
Sponsor member of Davenport Group Member of IETF HTML Working Group
Disclaimer: I'm speaking for myself. 'T ain't nobody else to blame but me.