Eric Miller (
Wed, 28 Jun 95 14:38:50 EDT

> Or something richer. In a perfect world, I'd like to see the use of SUBDOC (or
> some functional equivalent) to specify a DTD for domain-specific metadata, none
> of which would be displayed by the UA. SGML compliant UA's would perform full
> SGML parsing while HTML parser/renders could just ignore those data.

Absolutely. Additionally, these capabilities should be possible with
descriptive information both inclusive and external to the object.
For this to be possible we need the capability for defining the
appropriate scheme, and a non-displayable content container and/or an
external link. Terry's proposal IMHO handles the former, Murry's the

eric j. miller <URL:> OCLC, Online Computer Library Center, Inc. Dept. of Geography, The Ohio State University