Ronald E. Daniel (
Wed, 28 Jun 95 15:14:49 EDT

On Jun 28, 1:19pm, Murray Maloney wrote:

> Would it be in any way reasonable and/or acceptable for
> a document's meta data to be stored outside of the
> actual document and accessible via a hypertext link?

There are some usages where this works. However, what we want
to do here at the lab is put the metadata in the HEAD so that
it can't get lost. Then we harvest that info for our metadata
service. This is similar to the existing uses of META, we just
want more representational richness.

> So, I wonder whether a <LINK REL=META ...> is a possibility.
> (I bet some of you saw this coming, didn't you?)

Gee, Murry, no. It was a total surprise to me. :-)

It is a good suggestion for shared metadata, but

> P.S. We're talking post-2.0.


Ron Daniel Jr.                email:
Advanced Computing Lab        voice: (505) 665-0597
MS B-287  TA-3  Bldg. 2011      fax: (505) 665-4939
Los Alamos National Lab
Los Alamos, NM,  87545    tautology: "Conformity is very popular"