I'd be happy if they did. But it would be a very large change.
| We can establish an HTML application convention that sanctions the
| interpretation of only certain declarations and ignores others.
Yes, I agree that in principle we can. However, your example
<!NOTATION MyNotation PUBLIC "-//MyOrg//NOTATION MyNotation//EN">
<!ENTITY MyRandomData SYSTEM "http://foo.com/random.dat" NDATA MyNotation>
<!ENTITY MyPCData SYSTEM "http://foo.com/pcdata.htm">
suggests that the convention would be "attend to notation and entity
declarations, but ignore element declarations."
I don't have any SGML tools that will do that (so far as I know),
but at the moment I can vet all my docs with my SGML tools. I don't
want that to change.
| I would
| think this is a much preferable route to follow than inventing new
| mechanisms and new incompatibilities. If SGML provides the mechanism,
| then we should use it if at all possible rather than inventing a new
| mechanism.
I don't understand "new mechanisms." There is an SGML solution: a change
to the content model and attlist of META. It would result in some
backward incompatibility, but that incompatibility would be minor and
easily remedied (I think; perhaps some of the users of META would
tell us?).
I don't insist on such a change, I just present it as the most
straightforward solution. If it won't work, Murray's suggestion
to link out to [what would constitute an URC, btw] a separate doc
is much less painful than trying to break off part of the functionality
of the SGML internal subset. Isn't it?
-- Terry Allen (terry@ora.com) O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. Editor, Digital Media Group 101 Morris St. Sebastopol, Calif., 95472A Davenport Group sponsor. For information on the Davenport Group see ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/davenport/README.html or http://www.ora.com/davenport/README.html