Re: 2.06 release of libwww, www and httpd
Bill Janssen <>
Message-id: <>
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1993 16:05:56 PDT
Sender: Bill Janssen <>
From: Bill Janssen <>
Subject: Re: 2.06 release of libwww, www and httpd
In-reply-to: <>
References: <>
When I use www_2.06 to retrieve a document, for example
www_2.06 -source >/tmp/
each line of the resulting file seems to have an `extra' carriage-return
character appended to it. That is, if I retrieve the same document via
ftp, there is no such carriage return on each line. Is there some
switch or resource which will defeat this behaviour (at least under
UNIX)? Trying "-n" doesn't seem to help.