Re: How do I use Xmosaic's ISMAP flag with CERN httpd

Tony Sanders <>
Message-id: <9306211620.AA05202@austin.BSDI.COM>
Subject: Re: How do I use Xmosaic's ISMAP flag with CERN httpd 
In-Reply-To: frans van hoesel's article in comp.infosystems.www,,  of 21 Jun 93 10:38:38 -0000.
Organization: Berkeley Software Design, Inc.
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1993 11:20:18 -0500
From: Tony Sanders <>
> You'll need indeed a special server, that knows about your
> document and how to decode it.
> It is not simply a matter of creating the right files and
> expect things to work.
FYI: this is a lot easier in the next Plexus (2.2 coming soon).  You just
create a file that describes your image, you can use a combination of
bitmasks and rectangles to set all the hot spots.  Hopefully, I'll have
time at some point to write an X based app that pops up your image and
lets you set all the hot spots then writes out all the necessary data.
e.g., Here is all the data you have to generate for the space walk demo:
    walk default server/walk/default.html
    walk bitmask server/walk/astronaut.mask 106 110 server/walk/astronaut.html
    walk bitmask server/walk/camera.mask 106 110 server/walk/camera.html
    walk bitmask server/walk/earth.mask 106 110 server/walk/earth.html
    walk bitmask server/walk/pack.mask 106 110 server/walk/pack.html
    walk rect 0 0 106 110 server/walk/space.html

> I *do* want ISMAP or equivalent support, but the links should go into
> the document, not on some specialized server that handles your docs.
Look at the FIGA stuff in HTML+.  I think we've pretty well established
that both are desirable.  ISMAP just happens to be the best solution
for existing browsers.
