Re: WWW and EDI: The need
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Subject: Re: WWW and EDI: The need
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1993 08:41:52 -0500 (EST)
In-reply-to: <> from "Tim Berners-Lee" at Dec 15, 93 11:30:29 am
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The whole business of EDI and Internet is more of a problem than
might be expected.  Many business managers are convinced that
technical business problems must have a *commercial* solution.  COS,
Commercial Off the Shelf, is the keyword.  Also known as 'cover
your ass'(CYA) or keep someone in the wings to sue if it doesn't work.
Freeware is to be avoided at all costs.  I recently saw a EDI
system implemented with commercial products when the two computers
being connected via modems were both on the Internet with fiber-optic
local nets.  Frankly, if I were in the business of supplying
commercial network products I'd be scared as hell at the moment.
With HTTP I don't need SQL*Net or the EDI products.  Meeting the
EDI specs is a piece of cake.

Keep up the good work everyone.

bob jernigan