Re: Idea for new form input type

Fisher Mark <>
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 1994 21:25:05 --100
Message-id: <2D6E8438@MSMAIL.INDY.TCE.COM>
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From: Fisher Mark <>
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: Re: Idea for new form input type
X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0c -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
Content-Length: 1321
I really like this MIME-based form input type.  Implementation would save me 
from years of future maintenance on a program I am developing now to allow 
users to submit reference documents to a WWW-based repository.  This is 
definitely a cleaner way to handle submission of whole files/documents.

I would think as far as the new widget goes, it would:
1. Initialize a MIME multipart object;
2. Put typed-in text as plain text; and
3. Put dropped files as encoded contents;
building up each part as it goes along.  Because (as I understand X :() each 
part would correspond to a separate message or set of messages to the widget 
(files would be "dropped-object" messages while text would be "keyboard 
character" messages (oversimplification)), the widget should just be able to 
sort this out as it processes along.  Note that I don't say this will be 
easy ab initio (before anyone has written the first widget) -- just that it 
will be possible...
Mark Fisher                            Thomson Consumer Electronics           Indianapolis, IN

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