Re[2]: Concerns about HTML+ complexity

Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 16:06:40 +0200
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To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: Re[2]: Concerns about HTML+ complexity
X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0c -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
Priority: normal
Priority: normal
     I am a relatively new participant in these discussions, but I believe 
     Ken's point may be somewhat validated by reviewing the history of 
     Unfortunately, without a major player providing a 'standard' 
     implementation for commercial use, it may not be possible to achieve a 
     stable HTML environment. My experience with various commercial 
     enterprises suggests that each one will implement its own 'flavor' 
     which may or may not be compatible with the rest of the known 
     As to the statement that someone with a large dedicated programming 
     staff will be able to successfully implement a monolithic browser, I 
     again refer to the Unix history. There seem to be as many flavors of 
     Unix as there are major university computing centers. Again, my own 
     experience indicates that with this type of proliferation in the 
     environment, development of a singular commercial 'standard' will 
     probably not occur in the academic environment, nor in a dispersed 
     commercial one, but rather because a major corporation implements its 
     own flavor and aggressively markets it. And as is generally known, 
     such a product will usually not be a fully implemented variety of 
     HTML, but a standard subset from which extensions will be developed.
     While Ken's statements are unsupported in his original text, there may 
     indeed be some merit in what he is saying. I don't think his comments 
     should be dismissed lightly.
     Paul L. Kendall

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Subject: Re: Concerns about HTML+ complexity
Author: at X400
Date:    6/15/94 07:19

In message <> Ken Fox wrote:
>We really need to think about who in the industry is in the best
>position to implement/control monolithic standards and monolithic browsers. 
>It isn't CERN, NCSA or the community of Web hackers, that's for sure!
I would like to see some support for this rather airy dismissal.
>only people in a position to implement a monolithic browser are those with 
>dedicated (and large) programming staffs --- such as Framemaker or Microsoft.
Again I would like to see a reasoned argument for this contentious statement.
Chris Lilley
| Technical Author, ITTI Computer Graphics and Visualisation Training Project | 
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