CPSC 547 Project #2
Evaluation of Existing Office Tools
(10%) Due February 21
With one of the office tools suggested below, produce an 11-page document
(single spaced, narrow margins) that includes the following:
- a 1-page executive summary;
- an overview of the office tool, indicating its purpose, intended audience,
the current state of the art, and noting the differing design views;
- a comparison of three or four systems based upon hands-on experiences; and
- a critique indicating deficiencies and suggesting areas for design
The office tool may be one of word processors, personal
databases, spreadsheets, drafting or painting systems, communications systems,
network administration, hypermedia/multimedia, operating systems, harware or an
approved other (see Danny for approval).
The following is a rough template of what I expect for this project. This
is not a very strict template, so feel free to deviate from it if you feel
that you have a better way to write the document. I have provided this
template to give you some idea of what I will be looking for.
Your document does not have to follow the same structure (indeed you can
probably think of a better way to organize your document), but it should
contain similar information.
List of completed projects
- Operating Systems -
- Word Processors -
- Rapid Application Development -
- Word Processors -
- Facsimile Software -
- E-mail Software -
- HTML Editors -
- Operating Systems -
- E-mail Programs -
- HTML Editors -
- Operating Systems -
- EDMS -
- HTML Editors -
- E-mail programs -
- Paint Programs -
- Word Processors -
- Spreadsheets -
- Web Browsers -
- Paint Programs -
- Databases -
- Windows Communication Packages -
Marking Template
Executive Summary
- Should be a clear and concise overview of all the important points in
the document.
- Someone in a hurry should be able to get the main ideas by just
reading the executive summary.
- Up to one page in length.
- Explain the purpose of the document.
- Explain what the document contains.
- Up to one page in length.
Task to be Solved
- This section gives the background information necessary for the
evaluation of your office tools.
- Describe the task that the software will be used for.
- Describe the intended audience and the office environment in which the
tools will be used.
The Software Solution
- Overview of Packages
- Describe the design views and approaches to solving task.
- Describe the functionality of the packages. (features, etc)
- Description of Evaluation Criteria
- Bench marks (speed)
- Price
- Functionality
- Ease of use
- Learning curve
- Any other factors
- Testing Process and Results
- Give the results of the testing process
- You can use graphs, tables, etc.
- Evaluation of Results
- Summarize the results.
- Analysis of strengths and weaknesses of products.
- Similarities/differences.
- Ranking according to suitability.
- Summarize your findings.
- Tie all aspects of document together.
Layout and Design of WWW page
- Good use of html capabilites. (should be more that just a text file,
but be careful here - flashier is not better)
- Logical organization of ideas.
- The Document is well structured and links are easy to follow.
- It functions well as a single document.
- Spelling and grammar impact the grading of all sections.
- Make sure to include the names of both people on the document. (not for marks)