CPSC 547 Project #2
Evaluation of Existing Office Tools
(10%) Due February 21

With one of the office tools suggested below, produce an 11-page document (single spaced, narrow margins) that includes the following: The office tool may be one of word processors, personal databases, spreadsheets, drafting or painting systems, communications systems, network administration, hypermedia/multimedia, operating systems, harware or an approved other (see Danny for approval).

The following is a rough template of what I expect for this project. This is not a very strict template, so feel free to deviate from it if you feel that you have a better way to write the document. I have provided this template to give you some idea of what I will be looking for. Your document does not have to follow the same structure (indeed you can probably think of a better way to organize your document), but it should contain similar information.

List of completed projects

  1. Operating Systems - tamw/mnushkin
  2. Word Processors - cooper/long
  3. Rapid Application Development - yerex/khalili
  4. Word Processors - merlin/kliewerc
  5. Facsimile Software - russell/wendyn
  6. E-mail Software - andersen/bailie
  7. HTML Editors - loeppkyr/hrytsak
  8. Operating Systems - swee/chany
  9. E-mail Programs - cornick/leungs
  10. HTML Editors - cochrane/mccallum
  11. Operating Systems - cookej/ondic
  12. EDMS - beck/fischer
  13. HTML Editors - marta/eckel
  14. E-mail programs - jarvie/mccarthy
  15. Paint Programs - wallacea/victor
  16. Word Processors - petersen,nora
  17. Spreadsheets - sakamoto/fongb
  18. Web Browsers - askew/kingc
  19. Paint Programs - adamb/yung
  20. Databases - dattner/neumanng
  21. Windows Communication Packages - hyatt/johnp

Marking Template