I know my copy has red marks all over it.
I understand that the draft must be submitted to the Internet Draft
editor or whatever by Nov 28 in order for it to show up at the San
Jose IETF meeting as planned. That leaves 24 days.
So what's the plan?
Is there a list of the outstanding issues, or do we have another
free-for-all of comment submissions to this list?
Do we plan to address the issue of the scope of the HTML document, or
leave it as is? What I mean is that the HTML document makes reference
to "a browser" or "a WWW client" but it neither completely specifies
those terms nor refers to some other specification of them.
Another issue that I think should be tackled is all this mess of
levels, versions, client capabilities, and format
negociation. Firstly, it's not clear that we have a workable
version-to-version strategy articulated anywhere, and more
importantly, I'm certain that it's not clear in the HTML spec.
So what's the plan for getting the train to the station on time?