Re: Link style sheets [was REL and REV]
Albert Lunde (
Fri, 12 May 95 15:53:40 EDT
At 2:16 PM 5/12/95, wrote:
>2. So that authors do not have to write such long names, and so that SCO
> *does not have to modify its existing HTML code at all*, we can consider
> simple strings to be acceptable as REL arguments if a default prefix has
> been declared (as Joe and Lee have proposed, & as is done now for HREFs).
> This default prefix can be "linkas:HTML3nav/" if no tag appears. Then, if
> all you are using is the standard link set, this scheme degrades to SCO's:
> REL=next
> is accepted as an abbreviation for:
> REL="linkas:HTML3nav/next"
This is ugly.
If we are specifying a new link "something" that looks like a URL, we
should reference it with the same attributes as URLs. i.e. HREF.
I'm not convinced it is a good idea, but it makes more sense than
introducing a completely new name space that just happens to look like
Browsers that did not understand this new URL scheme say "browser:" would
refuse to follow the links.
However, I still think these proposals are too exotic as a place to start.
Albert Lunde