Re: Link style sheets [was REL and REV]

Mike Meyer (
Fri, 12 May 95 16:37:06 EDT

> 1. The argument to REL becomes, instead of a string, a new URL type, the
> "linkas:...". The standard or vendor which defined the link type is
> named in this URL. Full names for the four SCO has implemented are:
> "linkas:SCOnav/previous"
> "linkas:SCOnav/next"

I seems like I missed something in the threads - what is a a browser
supposed to *do* with this object? I would assume you should fetch it,
since it specifies an object location (that's what URLs do). If so,
what kind of thing should the browser expect to find? An enhanced
style sheet? If it doesn't specify an object, then it shouldn't be
called a URL, and probably shouldn't look like what. In that case,
what exactly is a browser supposed to do with it?
